Requests your outing
22 self-developed corporate outings
22 self-developed corporate activities
From 5 to 2,500 people
From 5 up to 2,500 people
300+ Google reviews: 4.8 ★★★★★
300+ Google reviews: 4.8 ★★★★★

Out and about with your colleagues in Heerenveen

Heerenveen, of course known to everyone as the capital of ice skating. But what if we told you that this beautiful place in Friesland has much more to offer? Right, yes. For example, turn the city upside down in Crazy 88 or organize a Foute Bingo at the location of your choice. Together we will ensure a fantastic company outing with your colleagues in Heerenveen 🙂 .


Wij organiseren altijd hét juiste type bedrijfsuitje in Heerenveen.

Perform (too) crazy tasks

Crazy 88 Deluxe. Letterlijk een (te) gekke activiteit met, je raadt het al, (te) gekke opdrachten. Ideaal om even los te komen en uit de comfortzone te treden. Kortom: hét perfecte bedrijfsuitje om met je collega’s op pad te gaan in Heerenveen.

Zet Heerenveen op stelten

Armed with a game app, you get started. Different teams are created in advance. Over time, more and more assignments become visible. 4 levels of craziness. It's up to you to choose which assignments you complete and which you don't. Different tactics to win are possible. But remember: the jury appreciates originality and creativity. Which team will win and will completely rock Heerenveen 😉.

Heerenveen | Uitjesbazen | corporate outing | team building | departmental outing | group activity | staff outing | team outing

Popular company outings in Heerenveen

In het stadscentrum, bij een horecagelegenheid of gewoon op kantoor. Onze bedrijfsuitjes zijn op elke locatie in Heerenveen mogelijk.

Inspiration and ideas for your team outing

Above you get a small impression of our popular activities. Ideal to inspiration and ideas up for you team outing. As the creator and organizer of the NK-Escape Rooms We guarantee the best company outings in Heerenveen and surroundings. We do this for any company and any level of experience. In short: quality and entertainment guaranteed for your activity.

PS. Still can't find your desired corporate outing among our popular activities? In our blog "top 10 company outings" you will find a ranking of our top activities. If you want to have a handy step-by-step plan for organizing the perfect outing, read our blog "organize a company outing".

We certainly had a good time during the Bingo. "A somewhat late response, but we certainly had a great time at the Bingo. It's something you have to surrender to right away, though, because before you know it, it's also over. The winners are happy with their titles." Thony Bakker Heerenveen - 30 people Crazy Bingo
My husband has since recommended you to his supervisor as well. "We had an incredibly fun evening last Friday. Received many positive comments from colleagues. My husband has since recommended you to his supervisor as well." Marita Hairdresser Groningen - 21 people We Love Holland Quiz
We certainly had a great time during the Bingo Show! Thanks for this! Ali Waninge Assen - 15 people Crazy Bingo

Get the most out of your corporate event

Je bent er bijna uit, maar je hebt nog enkele vragen over de invulling van jullie bedrijfsuitje in Heerenveen. Stel je vragen gerust via ons contactformulier, zodat wij vrijblijvend mee kunnen denken.

Wil je bijvoorbeeld een van onze activiteiten laten personaliseren? Kijk, dat is pas écht leuk en origineel. Wil je het bedrijfsuitje combineren met een lunchdiner of borrel? Uitjesbazen werkt samen met talloze horeca– en eventlocaties in heel Heerenveen en omgeving. Ook handig wanneer je nog geen locatie op het oog hebt. Kortom: gezamenlijk stemmen we het bedrijfsuitje compleet af op jullie wensen.

Call one of our office bosses directly: 0413 302 773

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Prefer a company outing in the Heerenveen area?

Our corporate outings are also widely booked in:

For the crowning glory of your company outing in Heerenveen!

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